Friday, April 24, 2015

Genealogy or Family History?

For years I have been working on my own and helping others with their family histories.

Doing research has gone from the days of writing everything on forms and obtaining information by writing letters, to using today's technology where much of the information is available at the click of a mouse.

To me, Genealogy is the searching, collecting and connecting of names and dates and places.  Family History is so much more.  It is the people.  Our ancestors.  Our family.  It is their stories, personalities, experiences, challenges and triumphs that made them who they were, and what they can be to us.  Now it is our opportunity to seek them out and learn of them and their lives.  To be united with them for eternity. 

Not just facts.


Our Family.

I now am blessed with the opportunity to serve as a Church Service Missionary at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City,  I will be assisting others as they seek their family, and I will also seek my own.  I want to use this blog as a means to document my experiences in doing both.

I look forward to this adventure.